Happy Birthday to me!!! Today is my birthday!!!My friends and family know that I celebrate my birthday for the whole month. I actually believe birthdays should be celebrated all year round. I love the expression, “Today is the first day of the rest of your life.” How true is that? So it’s your birthday… it’s your birthday! Thank you God for making me. I celebrate Your handiwork. I honor the You in me… everyday. Each day is a brand new opportunity to be a better me. I’m going to love who I am even as I strive to become a better, badder, more awesome me.
I wrote this poem several years ago. It’s copyrighted so you can’t take it… but you can make it your mantra…refine it to make it a portrait of you. Celebrate your life and the God in you. Happy Birthday to you. Enjoy!
Love and realness,
Better Me by Dr. Lindamichelle Baron
I’m living life, every minute.
Not looking back, just being in it.
Old comes quick. That’s what I know.
I feel too young to take it slow.
I’m not all I’m supposed to be
From who you are and what you see
But I’m becoming a better, badder
More awesome me!!
Not worried about my shape or face
My hair defies time and space.
It can be grey, down to the root.
Don’t need to be young to think I’m cute.
Dark spots speckle my skin
But I’m rocking the skin I’m in
I won’t be quiet. I won’t be still
I’m going to be and do just what I will
I don’t need to be the ultimate beauty
Or strut around the perfect booty
My cellulite can crack and crinkle
My body can be one big wrinkle
But I talk that talk clear and smooth
Walk my talk with every move
My body is shrinking, but I’m not small
My essence is straight up, proud and tall.
I’m not what you want me to be
From who you are and what you see
But I’m becoming a better, badder,
More awesome me!!
Copyright Lindamichellebaron, 2019