This is a more recent poem I wrote trying to help my pre-service educators understand the concept of having and cultivating a "Growth Mindset.
Day 26: The Power of Yet
Copyright: Lindamichellebaron, 2021
I’m not as good as I can get
I’m not perfect
At least, not yet.
I’m not born smart, but you can bet
I can be a scholar,
I’m just not yet
I can’t see my gifts, but I don’t fret
I got this
I just don’t “got it” yet.
What I can be has not been set
Its up to me
And I’ll get it yet!
It may take time and a little sweat
But it soon come.
I believe in “yet.”
Hope you enjoyed Day 26. Would you like me to light a spark at your school, college, house-of-worship, conference or organization? If your answer is yes, please click on this link to book me:
Love and realness,