By Dr. Lindamichellebaron
I'll tell you something, but please don't tell. I can write and I can read, but I cannot spell.
I look at the words on pages, then close my eyes. There must be millions of words to memorize.
I write poems and stories
and mess up my penmanship. The teacher might miss my mistakes, if I let my pencil slip.
I usually play it safe, and switch the words I use.
The words I can spell, are the words I choose.
I refuse to write on the board in front of the class. I have night and day-mares about spelling tests I can't pass.
I really need some help. I'm going gradually insane. Yesterday, I wrote my heading and mispelled my own last name.
It's a serious condition. I'm going to report it to the news. I think I'm going to call it the "I Cant Spel Blews" I'll probably get arrested for... RAMPANT SPELLING ABUSE. I can hear my sentence now, LIFE FOR ALPHABET MISUSE.
SPELLING BLUES is one of my favorite poems from my book,"The Sun is On." This poem is particularly meaningful to me. First of all, when I was young, I think I thought spelling was a suggestion rather than a necessity. Somehow, I figured that spelling was included in the concept of creative writing. When I speak to students and tell them my spelling story, they often ask, "How can you write if you can't spell?" I tell them what's important is to first capture your ideas... by any means. Once you write them in a form you can decipher, you can fix the spelling, grammar, or whatever.
So don't, get stopped by what you can't do... like this spelling thing. Reveal your passion by capturing what you feel...writing it down without being held captive by perceived limitations.
I'm so impressed with folks who can actually spell. For more of my poems, please get your own copy of my book "The Sun is On" on my website at:
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Love and realness,