Love and realness,
You’re just Too Much
By Lindamichellebaron
Audacious...amazing... awesome... authentic... you are just too much!!
I tried to write you a poem
Don’t think this excuse is for the birds
But when I try to describe you I run out of words
I could put you in a poem
Wrap you up tight
Rhyme you up and rhythm you up to sound just right
Say this and that about you
And add such and such
Still can’t capture all of you
Cause you’re just too much
✓ You’re theLongitude and latitude of what we need
You’re a library packed with books I could cuddle up and read
You’re the x and y axis
I could plot to find me
Your what my teachers tried to teach me
About infinity
I’ve added this and inserted such and such
But I still can’t capture all of you
Because you are just too much
Now I’m known as a poet
You know I know how to write
But I’m trying to describe you in the middle of the night
I’m rewriting and revising
You know how many words it would take
To get enough metaphors and similes for the poem I’d need to make
I’ve added this and that
I’ve inserted such and such
Still can’t capture all of you
Cause you’re just too much