I wrote the poem below to celebrate Martin Luther King Day.
Love and realness,
Together We Are the Dream Made Manifest
by Lindamichellebaron
Together we can be the dream in the middle of a nightmare
Together we can check the continuing metaphoric train wreck
Together we celebrate MLK’s Inspiration,
Codifying the great American aspiration,
Advocating with fierce determination.
We are the personification of MLK’s dream…
An overlay embedded in the American Dream…
Steeped in liberty and social justice
We practice what he preached
We don’t have to scream the dream…we are awake in it
Together with the power of us
We redefine the paradigm
Together…Energized, and mobilized with all of our infinite possibilities recognized
Together we are the dream…Waking up America
The content of our character in tact…Young, old, gifted… brown, together we manifest the dream!
Copyright 2019: Lindamichelle Baron. All Rights Reserve